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Krischelle Frost

School Closes Early

Due to a rising number of cases of COVID-19 in Haiti, the government announced a decision to close schools early---by June 11th. Only grades who take official exams (ie, exams administered by the government) will continue to attend classes in preparation for their exams. (These are grades 9, 12 (known as Rhéto), and 13 (known as Philo)).

This was a significant loss of class time in a year already shortened by a late opening (November) due to political instability and COVID closures from last year. However, because of very intentional efforts made since the beginning of the year by our school staff, we are thankful that our school was able to minimize the negative effects of so much disruption in the kids' education as much as possible.

Students take a break on the steps of the Chapel after Wednesday's exams---the last of the school year.

Kid at heart: Second grade teacher, JR, takes some time to play with students on the last day of school.

At the beginning of June: Ronyl, who oversees the school cafeteria, wheels in a supply of cooking oil for making lunch for the last week of school.

The school had planned a weekend field trip to Môle St-Nicolas as a reward for the kids who had been punctual, shown good behavior, and passed their exams in the last period. Unfortunately, the field trip had to be cancelled due to the COVID restrictions. Instead, the school took the kids to a local beach for a day to end the year on a positive note.

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