Greetings, again, Everyone!
First of all, thank you everyone who has written expressing your concern, love, and prayers. It has been a huge encouragement to us.
There is not a lot new or different, but I realize it helps to hear some news from here.
We were awaken early this a.m. by a few strong tremors. Immediately the people all around started calling out to God, singing and praying. We soon realized that going back to sleep was going to be impossible. We lay in bed awhile though because we felt so weary. It’s hard to start a new day feeling this way, especially when we know what awaits us. It’s a combination of emotional stress and a lot of hard work on the men’s part – digging, slugging away at breaking up big cement columns, and pulling away the rubble.
About 5 p.m. the men finally succeeded in removing the body of one student that was trapped in the rubble. This student’s father had come up yesterday asking about his son because he hadn’t heard from him. Bruce told him the news that they believed he was trapped in the rubble. The man, a pastor, broke down and just clung to Bruce. He told Bruce that he had just found out his daughter was killed in a collapse of another building. We know circumstances like this have been repeated many times all over the city.
Last night we had more people come to the campus….if you can believe it. We have a tent up which is being used to put those seriously injured in. The dr. here on campus got some help yesterday from medical people that live in the neighborhood and they were doing what they could with the limited things available: Phyllis ripped sheets for bandages; there were many splints made out of cardboard and pieces of wood; strips of aloe were used on burns. We are still waiting for some aid to arrive here.
Our only communication remains via internet so it makes it very difficult to find out information – about people and about the possibility of aid. We have emailed numerous aid organizations making them aware of our situation here. I’m sure it has taken the groups that have arrived here some time to get organized here in country.
Please keep praying for us. Today Bruce had a student come over to the campus who had been sent by one of our professors. This professor lost his whole house and he was asking what we could do to help him. It is so hard for us because there is really so little we can do. But many keep coming to us – telling us their stories and needing help. We can pray with them, for them, and give what comfort we can, but not a whole lot else. We need wisdom and grace in relating to those around us. We need strength and health in the midst of so much possibility of sickness and disease.
CrossWorld is coordinating teams to come to give humanitarian aid when the airport is open for this. Later there will also be coordination for teams to come help with demolition and rebuilding. You can visit CrossWorld’s web site for updates and info and to see photos we have sent – all those not marked Red Cross were sent from us here at Bolosse.
We will continue to keep you updated. Thanks, again, for your prayers for this country, its people and us.
With love, Cindy for Bruce too