This afternoon I took some time to look back at the blog posts from this past year. I was amazed to remember where the school building was at in January! Only by God’s grace have we been able to make so much progress in just one year.
Sometimes the going is so slow and gradual that you don’t really see the change. It is interesting how many things God established in the Bible to help us look back and remember His faithfulness. The rainbow, the rocks by the Jordan, and Communion are a few that come to mind immediately. God wants us to not only be looking ahead, but to look back too and remember how faithful he has already been to us. When we do, we do we have more strength to face whatever may come.
Tonight we will be having a program in the church to thank God for His protection, provision and work in us over this past year, and to commit 2013 to Him.
Deborah Dennis, who is visiting from Emmanuel Church in Exeter, has kindly agreed to write a blog post about the program tomorrow… so you can read all about it then 🙂
On another note, please be in prayer for Bonita Sparling, our new team member (I will be posting a bio on her in the next week or two). Over a week ago she began having pain in her tooth that has developed into an infection. She is now in a lot of pain, has been having fevers ad swelling and is just generally not feeling well. She is on antibiotics now and we are all praying that they can clear out the infection. If she does not start feeling better soon we will have to look at getting her into PauP or she may possibly have to fly home. We would greatly appreciate your prayers for healing for Bonita and wisdom for us.
Thank you and may God bless you as you close out this year!