Foto Friday: DDL goes South!
The development department has traveled south to visit some friends who live and work in Grand Goâve.  It is a rare chance for most...
Foto Friday: DDL goes South!
Foto Friday: Working together for the Kindergarten
Foto Friday: Happy Flag Day!
Foto Friday: Thony Graduated from Seminary!
Foto Friday: WATER!
Foto Friday: Almost Dry
Foto Friday: The Samuel’s Trees crew
Foto Friday: First Interscholastic Spelling Bee!
Foto Friday: Inauguration Day
Foto Friday: Bonfire with the Youth!
Foto Friday: All Staff Meeting
Foto Friday: Making Bread While the Sun Shines
Foto Friday: Christmas in 1996
Foto Friday: Future Fruit
Foto Friday: The difference a meal makes
Foto Friday: Canals
Foto Friday
Foto Friday (on a Saturday)
Foto Friday: Grow a Tree, Grow a Mind