Meet our staff and students for the 2011-2012 school year!
Osselet Lilite School Director
Lidmy Pierre Pre-Kindergarten Teacher
Pre-Kindergarten Class
Pre-K learning the parts of their bodies in French.
Nehemie Saint-PreuxKindergarten Teacher
Kindergarten Class
Kindergarten class learning and reciting poems.
Andiose Saint-AngeFirst Grade Teacher
First Grade Class
The first grade class doing role play to practice their French phrases.
Jinel Fertilien2nd Grade Teacher
Second Grade Class
Second grade listening intently to their teacher.
Thony Amady 3rd Grade Teacher
Third Grade Class
The third grade during math class.
Lenique TimaFourth Grade Teacher School Administrator
Fourth Grade Class
The fourth grade class following their lesson.
Guillaume Oltin Fifth Grade Teacher
Fifth Grade Class
The fifth grade class copying notes off the board.
Kattia Amazan Receptionist and Secretary
Regilien Emmanuel Gatekeeper
Mme WislyFood, Water, and Hygiene