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Krischelle Frost

Speak Up: Answered Prayer on Easter Sunday

Djephson--one of our young leaders--watches water coming into one of the new water holes. Manis has been working closely with him, investing in him personally and helping him to develop his leadership skills. Djephson was put in charge of the work digging these newer water holes.


One of Lemuel's prayer supporters shared the following. It was such an encouragement and testimony to God's goodness, that we wanted to share with you as well:

My God Reigns!! 🌧

by Kayla

Back in March, former missionaries in Haiti–Dave and Ginger Muchmore, shared with our class at church about a ministry called Lemuel which serves a very impoverished agricultural community in the driest valley in Haiti referred to as “the Plateau”. We learned that the people there have been experiencing an increasingly devastating season of drought… many weeks/ months(?)of depleting water sources and no rain on the Plateau. Additionally, we learned how so many Haitian people customarily celebrate Good Friday and Jesus’ death as Satan’s victory instead of celebrating Christ’s true victory on Easter!! I was really struck by the bleakness of those two devastating stories. And God put it on my heart to commit to pray SPECIFICALLY for RAIN on EASTER Sunday. Not that I can tell God what to do, BUT I thought “God, wouldn’t it be a truly compelling way to open peoples’ eyes and reveal who really deserves all worship and celebration!? So please God, demonstrate Your superior power and pour out Your grace by sending a tangible sign of Your life-sustaining salvation on Easter Sunday!”

This prayer request became something we shared with our kids and faithfully prayed for from March 13-April 17. (And our 7 yr old regularly reminded us to pray at dinner and bedtime and random times in between!) As Easter approached, it came to my mind frequently. I was hopeful, yet admittedly sometimes doubtful… of course God COULD answer this prayer …but would He really?

First thing Monday morning, literally with the hopeful thought, “Maybe there will be an update from the Muchmores with a report of rain in Haiti yesterday!?” I tapped the email app on my phone and guess what!! … it was true!! I was moved to tears as I read the email...

How amazing is it that we can participate in GOD’S stories by praying! I SO often fail to follow through on prayer requests like this … but so thankful our gracious and patient Heavenly Father laid this burden on my heart and allowed me to go on this journey of praying and seeing Him work! What joy it brings!

All glory and praise be to God!

One of the filled water holes!


Dave and Ginger Muchmore were here on the Plateau for Easter Sunday. Here is an excerpt of Ginger's words from the e-mail mentioned by Kayla above:

The shouts of “He is risen indeed” reverberated through the church as we spent a wonderful time, celebrating our risen Lord. The problems of life were put on hold as they sang their hearts out. The realities of drought were set aside. What an incredible reality to know that we don’t wage this spiritual battle to be victorious but rather, we fight because we are victorious. Our Savior is alive … The victory has been won!!

After dinner I went out on the porch to talk to Krischelle.…Then we heard it…”The water is coming!” The water is coming!” We ran along with everyone else. In the distance, we could hear the sound of rushing water. All of us stood on the bank of several of the water holes waiting…Before long, water was rushing into two of the holes. They filled so quickly, the water spilled into the canals that filled other holes.

As I fought back the tears, one of our visitors shouted “Happy Easter! He is risen!”

As we made our way back to the house, our hearts were over-flowing with joy. I sat on the porch talking to one of our leaders when we heard raindrops on the tin roof. We looked at each other…was God giving us yet another blessing? Sure enough, it started to pour on the Plateau. The ground was well-watered, and the holes were all full. Now our joy spilled out through our tears. What a day of victory!

Praise God with us for the water in the water holes and for the rain!

Please continue to pray for rain. The good effects of a rain are sucked up so quickly by the thirsty earth. On a widespread scale, things are still very,very dry, and there remains a big problem for people in finding food for animals.


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