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Krischelle Frost

Speak Up: Eternal Mindset - Investing in People

9 Nov 2021

One of our local kids entertains his little cousin beside an outdoor shower. He is one of her favorite people!

This e-mail wraps up the series of updates we began sending out at the end of September. Here is a quick re-cap:

This update: Investing in People


Investing in People

Our Youth and Kids

As we had shared with you this past summer, our hearts were heavily burdened for the kids and youth in our area. We also told you about three ways we were reaching out to them specifically during the summer months. These programs have concluded, and here is a quick summary:

The Girls

This program included training in cooking and thorough cleaning. There were also classes in English, French, Spanish and computer skills. Manis and two of our young leaders—Josiane and Mezou—spent focused time sharing insights into various spiritual and social topics. The program also provided a safe space for the girls to hang out and have fun—they spent hours every afternoon in surprisingly rowdy games of Uno!

A program like this keeps them off the street. It gives them a haven to come have fun away from the increasing negative influences that surround them. It trains them in useful skills and invaluable life wisdom. We were encouraged and filled with joy to see the ways in which these girls developed and blossomed during this program.

Pastor Jude's Group

When reports of rising COVID-19 cases caused the Haitian government to close school about a month and a half earlier than planned, many youth and kids suddenly found themselves with nothing to do and lots of unexpected time on their hands.

Jude E., a young pastor from Anse-Rouge, came to talk to Manis. “I’ve been trying to work with a group of youth from different areas who were staying in Anse-Rouge to be closer to school,” he shared. “I am afraid that if they go back home and have nothing to engage them, all my work with them will have been in vain, and they will fall back into destructive behaviors. Is there any way you could help me set up a program for the summer that would keep them occupied in a positive way and give me a chance to continue investing into them?”

Thanks to help from a donor, Lemuel was able to facilitate and support Pastor Jude in a 4-week summer program for 17 young men and women from the Anse-Rouge area. Pastor Jude’s program included summer jobs, in which the young people participated in work in the community such as cleaning up trash, clearing out underbrush, and planting trees. Pastor Jude also spent time with them speaking into their lives.

Sunday Afternoon Boys and Girls Club

The kid's club on Sunday afternoon was a highlight of the week for everyone. It was a fun and relaxed time of gathering the kids from our community together for godly instruction and for games. The photos and video below will give you a good summary...

Manis listening to and correcting the boys who confessed they had been naughty during the week. 😀

Playing games!

Learning "I've Got a River of Life Flowing Out of Me."

Memorizing a Bible verse.

The closing program where each child received a hygiene kit donated by CAM.


After a brief hiatus over the summer months, we have recommenced our studies on Sunday morning about the grand picture of the Gospel--Creation, The Fall, A Special People (Israel), The Cross, The Return [of Christ]--and about how what God tells us about the story of the world affects our daily lives. Last month, we looked at our God-given power to choose (ie, our "will").

The last Sunday in October was our "Staff Sunday." The school was in charge of the service. Despite the very real difficulties that everyone is facing in daily life right now, we were so blessed and encouraged by the palpable joy and unity exuding from our staff that morning. Praise the Lord!

Other tidbits...

Josiane's program for women and girl's ("Girls' Fómasyon") will begin a new session this Saturday.

Williamso's program for boys ("Boys' Fómasyon") is scheduled to begin a new session on November 27th.

(If you're not sure what "Fómasyon" means, click here.)

Manis continues to counsel and advise our young leadership staff and many others. One of the latter is a young man who oversees an agricultural project. F is not a believer, and his father is a witch doctor. But he has begun attending Chapel and has expressed interest in understanding the Gospel better.

Judy develops the materials for our Chapel studies and invests hours in studying and discussing the Biblical concepts with our leadership staff who help present and teach the material. We have seen a lot of growth in them as a result of these studies.

Krischelle is able to follow up closely and regularly with three girls from the community who are part of the Girl's Fómasyon.


Please pray specifically for this aspect of Lemuel's ministry. One of our Core Values is an "eternal mindset." We believe that people are eternal. Not only this, but we believe that no true change happens around us until people change.

Eternal heart change can only be brought about by the Spirit of God, even as He uses our efforts. Pray that our efforts to invest in people would produce eternal, spiritual fruit. Pray that the Spirit of God would move in the hearts of these kids and youth, so that they would come to know, love, and follow Jesus. Pray that those who know Jesus already would grow more and more deeply rooted in their faith and in their love for and knowledge of Him. Pray that as a result lives will change, families will change, communities will change...


From Manis' letter in October: "We cannot do anything about the insecurity in Port-au-Prince, but we can try to do something out here on the Plateau where we live."

Keep an eye out for an e-mail to follow soon

about a specific thing we are doing.


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