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17 Jan 2020
"In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father." ~Jesus
(Matt 5:16, NLT)
"His love shines through His people all over the world. It shines as we care for the weak and hurting. It shines as we radiate his peace and joy in a chaotic and angry world. It shines as we live our lives to God’s glory and with love for our fellow man." ~Excerpt from our Christmas letter
Happy New Year! In our last e-mail, we shared several ways the Light of Christmas would shine in the darkness on the Plateau.And it did. Here's how:
Through Love and Forgiveness: Modelene and Rose-Mitha
Modelene and Rose-Mitha are sisters in a family that has long been regarded as one of the most destitute in the community. Their neighbors have always looked down on them and ridiculed them, never believing they would amount to anything. But as they have each chosen to follow Christ, God has been doing wonderful things in their lives. They both work for Lemuel, and it has been a joy to have them on staff. This past summer they were baptized as a public testimony of their faith in Christ. For Christmas, they decided to do something to share Christ’s love with their neighbors who have continued to reject Him despite Lemuel’s work in the area. So, they put on a "block" Christmas party! They invited the neighbors over, created a fun ambiance, served drinks and snacks, and shared with them about Jesus’ love for them. "They appreciated it so much that they didn't want it to end!" said Modelene afterward.
In a community very familiar with jealousy, strife, hatred, and suspicion, the Light shone through forgiveness and love.
Through Servant Leadership: The School Staff Gets Their Hands Dirty
There is a prevalent attitude in Haiti that once you reach a certain level--say, high school graduate, university student, or administrative/executive position--well, you just don't get your hands dirty doing common labor.
Not so for our school staff! Teachers and administration alike got sweaty, dusty, and muddy as they volunteered their time to fix a particularly troublesome section of the road.
Where leaders are often known to demonstrate their superiority and seek their own advantage, the Light shone as our staff humbled themselves to serve the community....leading by example through servanthood.
By Empowering Families with Dignity: Temporary Work Programs
It has been a very hard year, full of economic and political crises. Hit the hardest is the average person who was already struggling to survive. Thanks to God's provision through donors, Temporary Work programs have been underway on the Plateau since the end of December. Men and women are empowered to provide for their families through temporary employment at the same time that they are investing in a better future by developing their community.
In a place where the oppression of poverty cripples people in hopelessness, the Light shines as we empower them to make a living with dignity and take action for a better future.
Through Investing in the Next Generation: Celebrating Growth
During several excruciating months full of uncertainty and limited resources, Williamso and Josiane continued their programs reaching out to boys/young men and girls/women in the area. At the end of December, they put together a special Sunday service celebrating songs, skits, lessons, and skills that their participants had learned.
In an area where the shame of poverty holds people hostage to a sense of worthlessness, the Light shines as young men and women are taught new skills, hear about Jesus' love for them, and grow in confidence and capacity.
In a country where lack of education, employment, and viable skills leaves women highly vulnerable to exploitation and men highly susceptible to getting into trouble, the Light shines as in love we strive to offer what may make it possible for them to choose a different path.
This is what it means when you support Lemuel. Many months we struggle just to make ends meet. But as you give to Lemuel, you give us the freedom not only to shine ourselves, but to help others shine in their spheres of influence as well. If you are already regularly supporting Lemuel, you are a part of this! If you aren’t, would you consider becoming a monthly supporter in 2020? Click the "Donate" link below to learn how.*
Please note: Keeping monthly donations general instead of for specific projects gives us the freedom to reach out in the most effective ways to each situation as it arises.
*If you do not need a tax receipt and would like more information about donating directly to us, please contact us.
As always, we are so grateful for your partnership with us in what God has called us to do on the Plateau.
May God bless you in 2020,