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Guest Blog Post – Creative Fundraising

On March 18 we (Chelle and Megan from northern Wisconsin) held a fundraiser for Lemuel to benefit a latrine and water cistern project.

The fundraiser, Women Helping Women in Haiti, was held in the evening at local business, where hors d’ oeuvres and desserts were served while a silent auction took place.

Each hors d’ oeuvre and dessert represented different countries, including Haiti, that live underneath the WHO poverty line of less than $2 a day.

Gift baskets consisted of donations from area businesses and included items such as: gift certificates, jewelry, home decor, tanning packages, tea, coffee, candles, Haitian items, specialty foods, and much more.

The night was a hit with local church and community members. At least half of the attendees were not members of local supporting churches or had no previous knowledge of Lemuel. The ladies had a wonderful time eating the ethnic cuisine and out-bidding each other in the “not-so-silent auction.”

The fundraiser and additional donations raised enough money to help many families now and in the future to receive latrines and cisterns.

The projects just began on Monday and by the end of the week there will be 3 cisterns and 1 latrine almost finished.

As we are here in Haiti watching this project come to life, we are looking forward to planning our next fundraiser event. If you are looking for creative ideas on how to raise funds and reach local community members with the purpose of introducing Lemuel and the gospel, please feel free to contact Lemuel for our information.  We would love to brainstorm with you on how you can reach your local community and raise funds for Lemuel!

~Megan Rudisill and Chelle Guthrie

standing outside their room in the community

Chelle is on the left, Megan on the right

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