Four different projects have been completed in the last week…
Putting in the footers where the classroom dividing walls will be
FINISHED!!! After a lot of very hard work in the very hot sun the foundation and footer project is complete!
The team from Emmanuel got all the doors put in the church.
While doing the Obert family’s house a piece of roofing cut Russ’ leg pretty deep.
Thankfully mom was here and knew what to do. He had to keep it up for a while but he had lots of company to keep him from getting too bored 🙂
The next day mom let him do some work that didn’t require too much walking, climbing, or other exertion. After that there was no keeping him down.
Allen worked with some of the guys here on putting the trusses together. It was such a joy to watch him interact and joke around with them. Unfortunately he got a sinus infection toward the end of his time and felt pretty awful for the last few days. Despite the intense heat this summer (it was hotter than I have ever experienced here) the team really kept good attitudes and persevered. Thank you Mark, Russ, Allan, Daniel and Mikhayla!!!
Dad setting up the forms for a ferro-cement cistern for Wilda.
Gilbert, who had helped Dad, Nathan and Glenn build the cistern for the wind pump, did most of the work on the cistern himself. He now understands the process well enough that he can build them on his own and therefore has an opportunity for added income for his family.
Dad preaching on Sunday
Mikhayla taught English to a group of children in the mornings. Unfortunately I never got a picture of her teaching but here she is at church 🙂
Getting ready to put the trusses up on the last house. This house will be used as a sewing and cooking school for young women.
James, Wisnik, Gilbert and Lucson taking a break on the roof of the last house.
Two of the houses that were covered in the last two weeks. The team left Gilbert to do the gable ends which he just finished yesterday!