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Well Project: We got DATES!

Writer's picture: Taylor ConleyTaylor Conley

Latest news:

  1. WE MET THE MATCH for our February matching donation fundraiser!

  2. We have signed the contract with the well drilling company, and they have put us on the calendar for the end of March/beginning of April!  Yes–as in: “In about a month!!!”

Please continue to keep this project in your prayers.  We have seen God overcome hurdle after hurdle for us, and we still face several challenges.  Here is an excerpt from Rick Bucklew, our water solutions coordinator:

I fully expected this well project to be a battle and that’s just the way it’s shaping out to be.  This is where your prayers become so very important.  As you can imagine the logistics of accomplishing this here are challenging, even when things are going well.  And as anticipated, the enemy is placing road blocks in the way at every opportunity.

We all know what the power of prayer can do, so please join with us here in Haiti in lifting this entire situation to the Lord.

We need guidance and strength to carry on with every aspect of this project, but specifically we need the following help from the Lord with;

Truck repair (dump truck is critical to the well project, battery exploded yesterday, new alternator not functioning correctly?). 

Well near Ti Karenaj [currently, our main water source] pump/motor just broke down. This also is critical to our project. The water from here is needed to support the well drilling project [with] 3-4000 gallons per well.  Next closest water is Gonaïves (several hours further one way).

Pump/motor and everything necessary for the drilling – being able to find this in country and at an affordable price.

In general for all of us to stay focused on the Lord’s will in all that we do.

We will continue to keep you posted with new developments in the coming days.  We anticipate exciting things!

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