The lovely folks in this picture are land owners. They all have gardens in the same vicinity. Recently, Gulbert–who is one of them–got them all together to talk about one of the most desperate needs on the Plateau: water.
The area where their gardens are has long been rumored to have water underground (this area was not covered in our water study). The group unanimously agreed to approach Lemuel, asking us to have a well drilled there. Gulbert already has a tract of land he has offered to Lemuel for the purpose. That is where they stand in the picture.
Hopes are high–finding water in this area would make a difference to a lot of people…A LOT. Each person in that photograph represents an entire family group (which may be quite large). One of them even came representing an entire nearby community. The risk is real–there may be water, there may not. But we are excited about this community driven initiative. Would you pray with us that there would be sweet and abundant water in this location?