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Writer's pictureTaylor Conley

What’s up in the Kindergarten?

The answer is: A LOT!  Everyday is an adventure with these little ones.  First, let’s introduce the classes:

Kindergarten 1

(In other words, First Year Kindergarten.)

Kin 1 is the hardest class to photograph on picture day.  Smile? What’s that?  It is the beginning of the year, and most of them still are not so sure about this whole school thing.  Catching a shot where the majority are standing still AND looking at the camera is quite enough of a feat.  No matter how ridiculous I acted to get them to laugh, most of them regarded me with very grave looks.

As mentioned in a previous post, the school had to move teacher Magdaline (above photo, back row, far left) to second grade. Their new teacher is Modelene (below, L), together with Kindergarten Aid Nadege (above and below, R).  This is Modelene’s first year teaching.  She is undergoing an internship-like process with the school.  Nadege has been on our staff for many years.  She started working as the kindergarten aid in  2013, so she has a lot of experience.

As first-year kindergarteners, their time in the classroom is spent learning the very basics of things like colors, numbers, some letters, shapes, etc.  They also practice their fine motor skills by coloring, drawing, and ripping/re-pasting paper, etc.

Of course, they sing lots of songs too.

Sometimes everyone wants to try at once!

Kindergarten 2

The Kindergarten 2 class this year is rambunctious and full of spirit!   Their teacher Génièse is here for her fourth year.

School Director Almaïs on Génièse:  “Génièse works with all of her being. Teaching is more than just a job to her; she puts all of her heart into it.”

In Kindergarten 2, the students take what they learned in Kin 1 to more advanced levels.

Kindergarten 3

These little cuties will be graduating from kindergarten at the end of this year and moving on to primary school.  Their teacher, Therese, has been with us since 2015.

School Director Almaïs: “I appreciate Marie Therese’s creativity and dedication. When she is involved in something, she is always thinking of ways she can contribute to make it better.”

In Kindergarten 3, the students add reading and math basics to the repertoire in preparation for primary school next year.

Math with bracelets.

The kindergarten classes do a lot of activities together as well.  Every morning, they start their day with dancing and singing.

They often do special assemblies together, such as this one about health and wellness:

Last week, they took a very special trip to visit the projects at Samuel’s Trees.

They visited goats…

They visited chickens:

They visited the shadehouse, where the Development department is growing all sorts of tree saplings and vegetables.

The trip was a great see-and-learn opportunity.  It is hard to adequately convey how monumental such a field trip is for this area.  It is a testimony to the incredible progress of our community over the years.

As a finale, click on the video below to hear the kids identifying animal sounds and singing a song about chickens.

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